This mosque is the symbol of downtown Adana. Set in the middle of the city, surrounded by run down buildings, multi-story apartment buildings, and shopping malls, it is strikingly out of place. When we were itching to get off base a few weeks ago, I declared it was “Take Photos of the Mosque” Day, and we set out in the scorching sun to walk the acres of beautiful park hosting the mosque. Of course, as is always the case with me, I arrived at entirely the wrong time of day, so quality images were difficult to capture, and I knew as we were pulling away that I needed to return at night to capture the stunning gem set against the Adana sky. We had a sitter last Friday, and Ryan was my body guard as I set up my equipment on the dark, empty Roman Bridge. Fifteen minutes later, I breathed a refreshed breath as we put everything back in the van and returned home knowing I had created my envisioned image.