Welcome to my new awesomeness! When I first started blogging, just over a year ago, I had no clue what I was doing. I downloaded WordPress, used the default theme and started typing. Over the course of the year, I started to see flaws in the process. I didn’t like that my website NEVER received updates, and I wanted more control over my whole site. After having a discussion with Greta from Kickify, during which she suggested that my blog should be pulled into the home page of my website(whatever that meant), I realized that the web had evolved since the days when my HTML coding was enough. SEO, WordPress themes, widgets, sidebars – my vocabulary expanded overnight and I started to work.
During this same time, I was also going through a brand identity crisis. Struggling to portray a well put together super mom to my clients was killing me. I am not a super mom. My life is exhausting, and there are days that I want to shut down my business or throw my kids into public school, but I didn’t think my clients would understand this. I was concerned that I’d get a reputation for being the “Crazy Homeschooling Photographer”. It’s funny how sometimes God leads us to the perfect people at the perfect time. Last November I met Gary and Krysta from Big Deal Branding at a film workshop of all places. Meeting with them gave me tools and resources to be honest with myself about what message I’m conveying to my clients. Well, many months later, I realize that I AM the Crazy Homeschooling Photographer. I realize that the clients I connect with, hire me because I am me. They like me, and they LOVE the product I create. So, while designing this site, I smothered it in Essence of Becky. This is me. This is real.
Starting today expect to see more heartfelt posts. More emotion. More words. I love writing, as much as – and maybe more than – I love photography. I believe that words can change lives.
This site is not SEO optimized (I’m still working on that), and there are broken links, but I IMPORTED ALL OF THE POSTS FROM MY OLD BLOG by myself – through my own research; it was the most exhilarating moment of the entire migration). I love the way it turned out. And my most recent blog posts are on my home page.
My gallery is now a collection of blog post showcasing the work that I love most. Let me know what you think!